Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Mormonism and Feminism Go Together Like Spaghetti and Cat Vomit.

It's been awhile but I've decided to look up and see the feminist legacy that dear old Kate Kelly who was recently excommunicated only to then have other feminists go to the main scream media and put even more pressure on the church to give in to their ideological demands.

Interestingly enough I found many websites that individual feminists have put up claiming to be for both Mormonism and Feminism. Let's take a look at some quotes (with my added commentary that reflects my immediate thoughts):

While I’ve been treated with respect from the men in the church and told over and over that I’m an important daughter of God, I’ve always felt a bit “less than”.

She refers to not having the priesthood as being "less than",  so she is less than men because she has what women have but not what the men have? Envy much? What she has in not enough, she wants what the men next to her have too. Did mommy ever call you spoiled?

Many people grow up having been taught many degrading things about women in church.

This from a guy, who apparently has been taught to degrade women by church doctrine and leaders (funny, I've been taught the opposite), so the church needs to change because of such notions. Are we in the same church, or are you just delusional? 

I think that people often forget that Jesus was a radical.  If Christ were on the earth today, I think he would be a feminist, and that he would fight for equality along with us.

So you have to be a feminist to fight for equality? Don't humanists, MRA's and egalitarians do the same? And they have a far better track record I might add. By the way, Christ's radical views were contrary to worldly teaching, or putting it in religious terms, the "philosophies of men" (which means not inspired of God but of Satan). So would Christ be against the ideas of the church, or the world? You seem to imply it's the former.

I am a feminist because I am just as human as my male peers, and it’s about time that this world treats me as such.

The world does by the way while treating men like disposable tools, but what does the church have to do with worldly politics? Your pushing the wrong organization if you intend to change the way society views females.

I’m a Mormon feminist because I won’t be silenced by fear.

I don't even know what this means. Fear of God the Almighty Being of the universe? Good luck with that one.

I feel the church can improve in many ways... I am doing my best to continue living my faith the way I feel is right for me, while still advocating for gender equality within the church and society as a whole.

Ah, change the church to suite your view of life and correspond with the ideology that makes you feel all special inside without even considering if you can even reconcile the two, especially since they are opposing forces. Go start your own church, otherwise, you might want to get in line with Christ and remember its His church, His way.

I’m a Mormon feminist because motherhood is not my sole purpose and role in life, nor in the eternities. 

Well then what is? To be the CEO of a fortune 500 company? To be the president of a country, or set a new world record in the Guinness Book of World Records?  Besides family what else matters in eternity? Remember that's the glory everlasting that God speaks of, bringing to past the immortality and eternal life of His children, which will be what we get to do too. What else is there? Please enlighten me.

When women are empowered, validated, respected, and equalized—society benefits, period. Women have such potential and such amazing gifts to offer, it is truly a pity for those to be overlooked in the name of patriarchy or female submission as a “virtue”.

First off submission is a virtue for everyone.  Second, women are not overlooked in the name of the patriarchy because there is no patriarchy, another feminist theory that falls flat on its face when scrutinized by logic and facts. Third, how does society benefit when women act like they are the center of the universe? For that matter how does society benefit when anyone does?

I’m a Mormon Feminist because I need to hear women’s voices and I need to be heard.

And you are heard. Women speak first in sacrament meetings leaving little time for men that follow, and now in general conference and of course during during the women's conference (that's right one for women, though strangely enough you don't see men trying to barge in there. I guess men aren't as petty and selfish as women).

I'm starting to see a pattern here, namely one where these feminists (not all women), are trying to incorporate the "philosophies of (wo)men"  into church doctrine.   They just don't get it. For example, do they even know what real equality would mean? That would mean that their husbands would have claim upon them to provide, that it would be men and children first, that women would be commanded to serve missions while the men could do what they wished, or that they would have to take responsibility for everything that happens to the family, including the brunt of the punishment. I could go on, but we all know the truth, feminist don't want equal responsibility, only equal privilege, and Mormon feminists are no different.

You cannot worship two Gods (philosophies), one of the world (feminism) and one of Heaven (gospel of Jesus Christ), for you will eventually love one and hate the other. Looks like these feminist have already made their choice.

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