Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Truth is Now 'Victim Blaming'

Its official, the truth is 'victim-blaming'. In other politically correct news, the sky is no longer 'blue' and water is no longer 'wet' because these terms promote rape culture... somehow. Not sure yet but our Social Justice Warriors are hot on the case and any day now will come up with a wholly plausible explanation for the ban, absent logic and reason because those are terms the promote patriarchy... somehow. Not sure yet on that one either but our Social Justice Warriors are hot on that case too.  All we need now is to reach our pledge goal of 1 billion dollars, which Uncle Sam has already matched to aid in this righteous pursuit of impartial social rectitude. 

Before I go too far off on too long a tangent, this little gem comes from Cosmopolitan, which interestingly enough features many articles promoting feminism and its many tenants, while at the same time actively featuring articles about sex, sexual behavior, and articles generally promoting carnal proclivities 

(A side note: to their credit Cosmo at least takes a somewhat objective stance when discussing feminism, unlike Jezebel which promotes radical feminism, decrying anything that may or may not make women seem like anything less than oppressed little angels, while promoting the bashing and abject objectification of men. No more links will be provided because I don't want to give such a wretched site traffic.)

Cosmopolitan and other feminists are having a conniption over "offensive" posters at hospitals and colleges that carry the new catchphrase "one in three reported rapes happens when the victim has been drinking." Cosmo says these posters "go against" initiatives that battle "persistent myths" about rape, and that the posters are rightly condemned "for shifting the blame onto victims and clearly failing to point out that in fact, three in three rapes happen when a rapist decides to rape someone."

This outrage they featured is in response over "offensive" posters at hospitals and colleges that carry the slogan "one in three reported rapes happens when the victim has been drinking.". In response Cosmo had this to say, “hospitals and universities, have been rightly condemned for shifting the blame onto victims and clearly failing to point out that in fact, three in three rapes happen when a rapist decides to rape someone " Thank you Cosmo for that wonderful example and fine retort condemning that "offensive" and "persistent myth" because who’d have thought. Yesterday someone told me too that 3 out of 3 white people are white and it blew my mind. Never before had I come to such a realization because so often the obvious escapes me, and for that matter the general public, otherwise I’m sure Cosmo would not to have to take the time to remind us of such self evident information if they didn’t feel like we didn’t already ascertain it along with so many other of life’s blatantly apparent truths.

Speaking of truths, why is it so bad to point out that one out of three sexual assaults involve drug or alcohol use? Honestly, how does this place blame on victims of rape and sexual assault? You’d have to do some serious mental gymnastics to come to that conclusion, especially since blame isn’t even implied. Would you not want to warn someone who is a potential victim on how to avoid becoming one? For that matter doesn’t that help illustrate more the need to teach people not to rape (bogus to me, but advocated by feminists)? I mean think about it, using a drug that acts as a stimulant and a depressant; a stimulate in terms of making people more lucid and socially active, while a depressant because it inhibits any self restraint. Put it another way, its turns people into maniacs who aren’t afraid to push boundaries, and since drinking is often done in situations where people are trying to let loose and get laid, you're looking at a potential recipe for sexual assault or rape. To anyone with a functioning brain stem, it would seem obvious that such a fact is important to understand if you wish to combat ‘rape culture’, but then again Comso, like me the obvious has a way of escaping so many people.

Or are they really that oblivious?

I have another theory that is shared no doubt by many, that perhaps advocates who proclaim  we live in a rape culture, and seek to fight it, are really just trying to promote it, so as to point out and say, look we told you so. That way they can offer a solution, a way to create social change that will undoubtedly cost the tax payer a hefty sum, one Uncle Sam will happily pay because of the guilt trip they are put through for daring to question these warriors against ‘rape culture’. The idea is to create a problem so as to create a need for a solution, a solution which allows money to freely flow into a non-profit organization that can then set up work stations, hire workers, and disseminate the information. But awareness isn’t enough, it has to be something that really catches people’s attention, so they play with the numbers, throw in dialogue that elicits an emotional response, and presto you are on your way to getting even more money for the cause.
I have to hear about this problem all the time, almost everywhere I go now because its reach epidemic status and now has everyone’s attention. It's even gotten to the point now where we are being completely unreasonable about it, denying due process, criminalizing normal behavior, exaggerating the definition of rape, and creating a level of fear mongering that has so many in fear of what is nothing more than a phantom apparition, a delusion meant to control the social narrative. This is why Cosmo can be so brazen as to suggest that stating simple facts about rape and sexual assault, readily apparent truths, are inappropriate and need to be omitted from the conversation. Anything else would mean they might have to relinquish complete control of the public discourse and actually try and tackle the problem.   

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