Wednesday, July 16, 2014

More on MoFem's

Do MoFem's fight for equality? "While equality is the overall goal of feminism, feminists can disagree over what “equality” means and how to achieve this goal." Let's take a look (From their webpage under MoFem 101):

Some Common Feminist and MoFem Terms

Rape Culture: In a rape culture, people are surrounded with images, language, laws, and other everyday phenomena that validate and perpetuate, rape. Rape culture includes jokes, TV, music, advertising, legal jargon, laws, words and imagery, that make violence against women and sexual coercion seem so normal that people believe that rape is inevitable. Rather than viewing the culture of rape as a problem to change, people in a rape culture think about the persistence of rape as “just the way things are." Simply put, rape culture teaches women and girls to protect themselves, rather than teaching men and boys not to rape.

Thank you for that. By the time I read that last line, I see the truth, that you believe men are less than human; animals with primal urges that need to be trained out of them, like dogs. Never mind the fact that our culture objectifies men too (which you completely omit in your conversation about "equality"), in many of the same ways it objectifies women, and that violence against men is much more prevalent (see FBI and DOJ stats on violent crimes), but to suggest that men are inherently violent while women are the inherent victims because its normalized, shows that you are about as delusional as the rest of the feminists who also think that staying safely nestled at home while the men are forcibly drafted to go fight and die miserably in a war they don't believe in is somehow a form of deep-rooted cultural misogyny. Or for my potential feminist readers who probably lost their way on that last analogy, as delusional as a paranoid schizophrenic overdosing on LSD.

Modesty Culture: Modesty culture is the idea that, through being modest, women and girls have a responsibility over men and boys’ sexual urges. This includes men asking or telling women to be more modest to help make the men more comfortable; teaching that women should think about men when they choose what to wear; the idea that a woman’s modesty reflects her spirituality or worth; or asking a woman who was sexually assaulted or harassed what she was wearing.

Wrong. Modesty is the act of respecting yourself and the people around you (because not everyone wants to see the folds of fat hanging out of your size 0 tank top). Why would you think I want to have sex with you just because you walk upright and have a vagina? Oh right, I'm a dog when it comes to sexual urges. If men are dogs, and need to be taught not to rape because that's how we inherently are, then why wouldn't the ever noble female have responsibility for his urges? He's responsible for his actions, yet he cannot control himself and needs to be "trained"?  Wouldn't something like proper exposure to the female body be part of his training? Consistency like equality so far, is a concept MoFem's have failed to grasp. Might have an easier time teaching a puppy the theory of relativity.

Benevolent Sexism: “We define benevolent sexism as a set of interrelated attitudes toward women that are sexist in terms of viewing women stereotypically and in restricted roles but that are subjectively positive in feeling tone (for the perceiver) and also tend to elicit behaviors typically categorized as prosocial (e.g., helping) or intimacy-seeking (e.g., self-disclosure).

[Benevolent sexism is] a subjectively positive orientation of protection, idealization, and affection directed toward women that, like hostile sexism, serves to justify women’s subordinate status to men”.

I think what you are trying to say is that chivalry degrades women because it does not recognize how strong and independent they are of men. I'll remember that when the next disaster strikes, when China invades, when you have to lift as much as I do at work, or when you can't get the lid off the jar of pickles you want to stuff down your gullet. It's a serious problem I hear, not being able to open jars. Over 500 women starve every year in the US alone because of it. Damn the patriarchy for inventing such a misogynistic device.

Celestial Gaslighting: This is a method commonly used by critics of Mormon feminism. They will claim that Mormon feminists do not fully understand the gospel or their purpose in life, and that is the root of all their unhappiness with the Church.

Explanation of gas lighting is a form of psychological abuse in which false information is presented with the intent of making someone doubt his or her own memory, perception and sanity. Apparently, we are doing this to MoFem's. After all, they know better than everyone else, including the apostles and prophet of the church. How dare we underlings pit our wisdom against theirs. Same goes for you to God, how dare you defy the almighty MoFem's. By the way, stop mansplaining! Speaking of Mansplaining:

The fact or action of explaining something in a condescending or self-justifying manner, originally and especially of a man to a woman.

Translation: Shut up men. While we value discussion and open dialogue your opinions are worthless before the almighty MoFem without prior MoFem approval. Even then, your opinion status is subject to change on a whim by any MoFem at any time, whether informed of the change or not.

Malignant Mormon Memes is a meme representing a piece of LDS culture that is commonly taught as truth or doctrine in Church; Mormon feminists call them “malignant” because we believe the specific piece of culture represented on the meme is a harmful belief. For example, having a picture of the temple with the words “don’t let anyone into your visitor’s center” is something Mormon feminists consider to be slut-shaming.

Slut shaming is the deliberate act of calling a woman a slut, a whore or impugning her character in sexual terms in order to embarrass, humiliate, intimidate, degrade or shame her for actions or behaviors that are a normal part of female sexuality.

I seriously cannot believe they put this one in there, and after saying that a normal part of male sexuality is raping women and needs to change by training them not to do what is otherwise normal, they then turn around and say that a woman's sexuality is perfect and need not change. Men are evil after all and women are saints, right? Heard that one before? With such a mindset, how can anyone view men in anything but a negative light?  Again consistency like logic is not something to which the MoFem's are privy. Being a slut is a bad thing and is not "normal" female behavior but rather that of an untamed, undisciplined maniac ('natural man' as the scriptures call it) who prioritizes carnal gratification, something men and women are both discouraged from doing. For a Mormon woman to say it is not (only for women mind you), has failed to understand one of the basic fundamental principles of the gospel, namely chastity. Again, something men must be cognizant of and practice, but apparently women are exempt from because equality. Makes about as much sense as hammering a nail into your forehead to relieve a headache.

On the lines forehead impalement, the final point is Mental Gymnastics, and for a second I felt I was reading a satirical list because the sheer irony of posting this concept last on their short playlist of feminist terms was bizarre to say the least.  Mental Gymnastics, the act of using Inventive and complex arguments (not logic apparently) to justify what is otherwise unjustifiable. Honestly, that is what I have been doing the whole time trying to understand this list. Then to see this concept explained to me as something LDS members do to the MoFem's? Wow, just wow! I guess it takes a special sort of brain to understand it all. How can you reconcile the fact that the law of chastity is inspired of God, while at the same time claim it to be an evil doctrine that oppresses women? Is that not what they do with their point about slut-shaming and modesty culture, try and excuse female promiscuity as natural and appropriate? You'd have to exhibit the skill level of a spider monkey on crack, to be able to do the gymnastics required to wrap your mind around points like this and others the MoFem's openly advocate with gospel doctrine. Yet I'm the one guilty of doing this?

In conclusion, supposedly to us normal people (uninspired and feeble minded underlings by MoFem standards) all the different definitions on equality that MoFem's observe would make perfect sense despite having nothing to do with the word itself, if we truly understood both feminism and Mormonism.  Good thing we have MoFem's then because we including God Himself, need to be set straight. Thank goodness because I was indifferent there for a second.

Now I know I've been harsh, but I really believe that mixing feminism with Mormonism is extremely toxic and I am not alone (thank you Elder Packer and Maxwell).  Perhaps adapting the humanist, or egalitarian ideals would be a step in a better direction. Still, the gospel needs to come first, not the ideology, and in the end we may need to drop the latter altogether.

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