Monday, June 30, 2014

MRHM and Mormons

Recently I have noticed something within the Men's Rights movement that has given me pause for questioning my social stance. I identify with the MRHM, but realize that I am not very popular. Mormons within the movement have always been there and identify well with the MRHM, but we are also hated for various reasons, sometimes because there are those who hate what we are, but also by those who simply don't agree with us on every point. Take BR Merrick for example, a writer for AVfM, who came out in response to an article declaring an alliance between Mormonism and the MRHM that was mostly negative because Mormons don't embrace homosexuality.

There are those however, as I found in the commentary of the article, as well as this article, that show that many MRA's don't like Mormonism for reasons unexplored. You would think Mormons and MRA's would identify better having one important aspect in common, namely  being misunderstood.  MRA's however who constantly remind us that people only fear the MRHM because they refuse to understand it, or have completely misconstrued ideas, fall into the same trap with Mormonism.

I wish it could be different, but there are many who fall prey to propaganda and popular opinion without seriously trying to form their own. Then there are those who do form their own opinion but let it be ruled by inconsequential and trivial points, ruining a potential embrace. I wish AVfM would be more supportive to the right to expression when it comes to religious preference, but instead that seems to be one category of self-expression of which they are in opposition. And why not, its hard to have a movement that embraces atheism and Christendom, two wildly opposing views, within their ranks. This is why I still support the MRHM because they still manage to peacefully co-exist, for the time being.

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