Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Women Against Feminism, It's About Time

When I read through many of the points that Mormon Feminists, I was surprised at what tenets of feminism they endorsed, which they say are issues as well for female members of the LDS church. Now we have the women against feminism, who have come out to prove first and foremost that feminism is just a label and not representative of a hive mind of the female gender. Up until now, many equated feminism with women, and speaking against one you spoke against the other, which is why the word misogyny gets tossed around like some kind of buzz word to silence the opposition every time someone has the audacity to question feminism.

Second, Women Against Feminism is proving once and for all that the feminist movement isn't about equality because if it was, those whom the movement purports to support wouldn't be fighting against it, would they? If women were selfish, immoral, and outright malignant they might enjoy unopposed opposition to elite status in society, but as it turns out, women are just as decent and benevolent as men, and will speak out over any injustice no matter the opposition because it's the right thing to do. And so you now have women, who have been silent while feminists wreaked havoc on modern society, coming out and finally taking a stand. It's about time we see women act and not wait to be acted upon, and at the forefront of it all no less.

Now why are women doing this? Feminism has the answer. They have illustrated over and over why this is the only appropriate answer to that question.

Feminists are not only being ridiculous but are getting desperate. Unfortunately for them, male feminists can't speak out against the women against feminism because well feminists under no circumstances, will ever allow a man to speak down to a woman, no matter what.

I'm used to people resorting to all kinds of ad hominum attacks when I speak out against movements like feminism, but now they are forced to do it to other women. But chick fights are nothing new in the social sphere (this illustration is a good example). 

Even media outlets have joined the fray, but little do they realize that it's not working, and feminism keeps digging the movement deeper and deeper into a nice big hole that would be about as deep as the Mariana Trench at this point if not for their well rooted creeds being indoctrinated into the laws, policies, and virtually every social structure of society including its government (Duluth Model, Glass Ceiling, STEM, etc.)

Why are they digging themselves deeper you might ask? Because the feminists who claim that those who oppose feminism are ignorant or misinformed, are doing so with a straight face despite the fact everything they claim feminism to be, is in reality wrong.

For example, an article condemning women against feminism for their ignorance and describs true feminism as such, "At its most core basic level, feminism is about equality between the sexes, not advancing one over the other." 

Equality, not advancing one over the other. Yea right, and believe me there is more.

Also, from her article in reference to the importance of feminism fighting for equality, "We’ve got bigger fish to fry, like securing equal pay and ensuring women across the world can attend school without being kidnapped." In one single thought, the wage gap myth that simply won't die, and the one about the girls in Nigeria which does need to be addressed, but not without ignoring the fact that school boys also get kidnapped, enslaved, and even brutally murdered.  She could have mentioned that alongside the need for girls safety since feminism is about equality for men and boys too, but I don't think she really believes they are equal to women and girls.

To further drive the peg home, the author also openly states several times that feminism should not to mock and shame Women Against Feminism movement, while openly mocking and shaming them and claiming the need for feminism "to be the bigger person".  So not only is she ignoring half the population, but also insulting those who don't jump on the feminist bandwagon while claiming not to. Oh and by the way, it doesn't seem anyone else in the feminist movement got the message. 

The last part of the article was particularly telling, "Just as we need to continue to advocate for equality between the sexes, we also need to remind women and men what feminism entails, rather than let our opponents claim to define the movement for us."

It's not what you say or we say Emily, but what you do that defines you, which is why your opponents have characterized your movement as a hate group.

Here's another example from another article linked above.

"The major issue is that these women are further encouraging the negative connotations associated with feminism. It’s supposed to be an empowering message of equality and respect, not an excuse to victimize ourselves and demonize men." 

"Kill all men, teach men not to rape, testosterone is poisonous, toxic masculinity, all heterosexual sex is rape, fathers are unnecessary, children only need a mother, homes are concentration camps for housewives, female abusers or sexual predators don't exist or are really just victims of the patriarchy, no such thing as sexism against men, men getting mutilated or killed is funny, she fears you, men are redundant, men are obsolete..." 

Looks like feminism doesn't need our help reinforcing the negative connotations associated with the movement.

But feminism is fighting for equality right? I mean that is the (self proclaimed) definition, so it must be true. Just like how the Martians in Mars Attacks just wanted to be our friends, don't you remember? They said so via the universal translator, so it must have been true.

Man I could go on for days about this, but I think I made my point, so I'll just finish by reminding feminists that when young women say no to feminism, you need to accept that no means no.

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