hear so often now how feminism helps men too, and there are even lists that
demonstrate (albeit poorly) how feminism accomplishes this. Yet too often I
read articles that routinely mention problems both sexes face, yet men are
systematically left out of the equation. Here is the latest, one where feminists mention how they just want women to
have the freedom to go to school without being kidnapped, all the while purporting
to be in support of men’s issues. That was the point of the article right, to
show that feminism is all about women and men.
issues matter too and if WomenAgainstFeminism doesn't get that, they are sorely
misguided, and it would be easy—too easy—to prove how
misguided they are. This ends up being a good example of how they clearly are
not because by mentioning only the plight that women and girls face, they
effectively single them out as the only group that is oppressed, thus proving
the bias they have towards men's issues and a big reason for
WomenAgainstFeminism. “We just want girls to be able to go to school without
being kidnapped.” Boys deserve this freedom too, how hard would it be to add
that? In fact it would be easy—too easy—I mean does this not matter? Or this? Heck, does anyone even remember this?
there are those of you who think I’m being overzealous and jumping to
conclusions, have a read of any feminist material and take a shot every time
you see them bring up a legitimate men’s issue. It will be like a weekend at
BYU, the driest campus in the nation where the only way to get a drink is to
sneak a few sips from the bottle. Just
look at the comments on articles addressing the suffering of
boys, what few there are mind you compared to the kidnapped girls, which is just
a constant reminder that the internet is rife with trolls and morons.
I wouldn’t have a problem with this if feminism could just admit to their folly
and stop trying to lie about what they stand for, but instead they continue to
insist that they are helping men, hoping that eventually we will believe them
because if you tell lies big enough, idiots will believe you.
Unfortunately for
them, we are not all idiots and that is starting to become more apparent at the WAF gains momentum powering full steam ahead. What’s great about that movement is now all
the male feminists have been silenced because how can they justify speaking out
against women when by their very own ideology it is forbidden? A conundrum
indeed, better leave it to the women to talk to the women no matter how stupid
they sound, “look up the definition”, “you just don’t understand feminism”,
“how dare you disagree with me, you’re stupid”, etc. Wow what a comeback, you
showed them, especially with that stunt by BeyoncĂ©, all hail BeyoncĂ©, she isn’t just the voice of feminism, she is
feminism incarnate, bow before her almighty uterus. (Exaggerate much? Consider this.)
So to all the feminist ideologues out there, it would be a very healthy first step towards a more honest discourse if we would at the very least come to a point where we view violence (Islamic or otherwise) as an issue affecting humans – not just women. The MRHM is very interested in changing to discourse to reflect this and make the world better for everyone. Wouldn’t that make us humanist? Of course, we will embrace the change, we just need other movements fighting for equality to do the same before we can move in this direction, and have offered the invitation to them to do so. Our invitation goes to feminists as well. So I will reiterate, it would be a very healthy first step towards a more honest discourse if we would at the very least come to a point where we view violence as an issue affecting humans – not just women. So feminists what say you?
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