Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Truth is Now 'Victim Blaming'

Its official, the truth is 'victim-blaming'. In other politically correct news, the sky is no longer 'blue' and water is no longer 'wet' because these terms promote rape culture... somehow. Not sure yet but our Social Justice Warriors are hot on the case and any day now will come up with a wholly plausible explanation for the ban, absent logic and reason because those are terms the promote patriarchy... somehow. Not sure yet on that one either but our Social Justice Warriors are hot on that case too.  All we need now is to reach our pledge goal of 1 billion dollars, which Uncle Sam has already matched to aid in this righteous pursuit of impartial social rectitude. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Do MoFem's Really Love and Appreciate Men?

While continuing to read profiles in an effort to understand, I came across yet another snippet which I had to address, both to help illuminate my understanding and to get things off my chest.

So Mormon Feminists Believe in Rape Culture?

I never thought MoFem's would subscribe to such asinine feminist theories, but here is an excerpt from their site on MoFem 101:

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

More on MoFem's

Do MoFem's fight for equality? "While equality is the overall goal of feminism, feminists can disagree over what “equality” means and how to achieve this goal." Let's take a look (From their webpage under MoFem 101):

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Mormonism and Feminism Go Together Like Spaghetti and Cat Vomit.

It's been awhile but I've decided to look up and see the feminist legacy that dear old Kate Kelly who was recently excommunicated only to then have other feminists go to the main scream media and put even more pressure on the church to give in to their ideological demands.