Monday, December 22, 2014

Nothing But Hypocrisy

Well its finally happened, at least as far as I'm concerned. Many of you will probably think that I am just catching up and realizing what has already happened before, and several times. That's fine, I just wanted to share my thoughts on the matter and be happy to finally be current on the matter.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

A Mormon Feminist Who Believes In Equality

A shout out to someone who actually makes an ounce of sense.  Never did I imagine that there would be an individual who I actually agree with who claims both the Mormon and Feminist label, but this individual actually makes a strong case in his written narrative. Too bad though he is still promoting a crooked movement.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Let's Focus Only On Women

In the US It's Women's Equality Day, and this is the White House Response.

Starts off with good intentions, of course focusing on women since its Women's Equality Day, or as I like to call it, Women's Focus Day, since as the article progresses, one find's equality has nothing to do with the article despite the often repeating of the word.

And Now the Fallout

So it has finally happened, after all the hysteria about rape and sexual assault on college campuses nationwide, that we see this as a resulting consequence. Of course the article is very polite in relaying the message that men are not interested in women anymore during their college years who happen to be college students, so instead I guess they are finally going to start focusing on their studies.  I guess this is a good thing, seeing as it takes a woman to destroy a perfectly good man. Out sons are now safe to pursue their dreams of achieving something worthwhile, and not having the stigma of marriage and family to get in the way. Heck, isn't this the message we've been giving women? Career first then family? They could have it all, so why can't a man?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Will the Rape Hysteria Epidemic Ever End?

So now the latest concerning the rape epidemic that supposedly exists in our academic institutions nationwide. It seems that in order for feminists to continue their otherwise pointless existence and suckle happily off the tit of your hard earned taxpayer, they have determined that a zero tolerance policy is not enough because the fact that there are now so few actual sexual assaults and rapes being reported is proof that the problem is worse than ever. Didn’t I touch on this in another post?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Marriage Then and Now

I often can’t help but remind myself of my situation. Being in a relationship is something I often yearned for while making my way through life, and after establishing myself as a man, I often wondered why I could not make one work. I’m glad I took the time to live and grow, waiting until I was ultimately sure of what I wanted, but even still to this day I wonder on occasion about my choice. I know what a raw deal it is for a man to marry in this day and age, but little have I realized that this is nothing new, only worse.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Is This How Feminism Helps Men Too?

I hear so often now how feminism helps men too, and there are even lists that demonstrate (albeit poorly) how feminism accomplishes this. Yet too often I read articles that routinely mention problems both sexes face, yet men are systematically left out of the equation. Here is the latest, one where feminists mention how they just want women to have the freedom to go to school without being kidnapped, all the while purporting to be in support of men’s issues. That was the point of the article right, to show that feminism is all about women and men. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Legal Right's Women Have That Men Don't

A well written piece and a little refreshing too because I have to be honest, despite the MRHM speaking of female privilege all the time, here is something actually showing rights that women have that men do not.  While the meaning of privilege is often subjective,  it's hard to deny something you can prove concretely.  In this case privilege enshrined in law.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Women Against Feminism, It's About Time

When I read through many of the points that Mormon Feminists, I was surprised at what tenets of feminism they endorsed, which they say are issues as well for female members of the LDS church. Now we have the women against feminism, who have come out to prove first and foremost that feminism is just a label and not representative of a hive mind of the female gender. Up until now, many equated feminism with women, and speaking against one you spoke against the other, which is why the word misogyny gets tossed around like some kind of buzz word to silence the opposition every time someone has the audacity to question feminism.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Ideas About Religion

In speaking with me recently ex-LDS brother  a few weeks ago, I came to a sudden realization: ex-LDS members may have read and interpreted the scriptures, but they 'often fail to understand it, (my brother is not the first ex-LDS member I have known by the way). In addition, they also dissent from the apostolic leadership, presuming them to be wrong on several important doctrinal issues, rationalizing their point by even thinking God would be of the same mind as they are. Finally they abandon faith for more readily perceivable and concrete facts. This is why currently they tend to turn to science for answers. 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Truth is Now 'Victim Blaming'

Its official, the truth is 'victim-blaming'. In other politically correct news, the sky is no longer 'blue' and water is no longer 'wet' because these terms promote rape culture... somehow. Not sure yet but our Social Justice Warriors are hot on the case and any day now will come up with a wholly plausible explanation for the ban, absent logic and reason because those are terms the promote patriarchy... somehow. Not sure yet on that one either but our Social Justice Warriors are hot on that case too.  All we need now is to reach our pledge goal of 1 billion dollars, which Uncle Sam has already matched to aid in this righteous pursuit of impartial social rectitude. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Do MoFem's Really Love and Appreciate Men?

While continuing to read profiles in an effort to understand, I came across yet another snippet which I had to address, both to help illuminate my understanding and to get things off my chest.

So Mormon Feminists Believe in Rape Culture?

I never thought MoFem's would subscribe to such asinine feminist theories, but here is an excerpt from their site on MoFem 101:

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

More on MoFem's

Do MoFem's fight for equality? "While equality is the overall goal of feminism, feminists can disagree over what “equality” means and how to achieve this goal." Let's take a look (From their webpage under MoFem 101):

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Mormonism and Feminism Go Together Like Spaghetti and Cat Vomit.

It's been awhile but I've decided to look up and see the feminist legacy that dear old Kate Kelly who was recently excommunicated only to then have other feminists go to the main scream media and put even more pressure on the church to give in to their ideological demands.

Monday, June 30, 2014

MRHM and Mormons

Recently I have noticed something within the Men's Rights movement that has given me pause for questioning my social stance. I identify with the MRHM, but realize that I am not very popular. Mormons within the movement have always been there and identify well with the MRHM, but we are also hated for various reasons, sometimes because there are those who hate what we are, but also by those who simply don't agree with us on every point. Take BR Merrick for example, a writer for AVfM, who came out in response to an article declaring an alliance between Mormonism and the MRHM that was mostly negative because Mormons don't embrace homosexuality.

The Church Says NO

Well, I'm not surprised but Kate Kelly was excommunicated, and for apostasy no less. It what happened in Alma after many church members were divided by the teachings of Nehor. So why are we surprised when church members excommunicate someone who is trying to defy the gospel on such a grand scale. She has created a following, that is not asking for change but demanding it via media pressure and by recruiting people to a cause that is similar to a civil protest or peaceful revolution. This has the power, same as the advocacy group for the LGBT in the church, to create a schism on a large scale, one where many members will be divided and fall away.  You would think a return sister missionary, someone who has been a member almost her whole life, would understand this.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Women's History Month Going Too Far?

So here we are in March and I forgot, but was rather capriciously reminded that this month is women's history month. We just finished black history month, and I managed to get through it without being bothered everyday about how special the month was while being simultaneously reminded about how it should be extra special to me, the white man, since I am after all the root cause of black injustice today.  No, the month came and went without a hiccup and without the shaming to which I in the past had been privy. I guess racism isn't thriving in this country anymore, and people are becoming complacent with the fact that there are different demographics within the population and that's okay.

Monday, March 24, 2014

War on Women???

So what of this war on women in our country? I hear it so much, we are waging war on the women of our country, literally a war. War is defined as a period of conflict, but I rather see it more similar to the game of chess or checkers, the goal being submission of the other party by taking out their protection and leadership followed by subjugation of everyone else, or as in checkers, complete annihilation of the enemy. Sometimes it's all done through force, other times through politics because there is the unseen essence of a party that cannot be crushed by physical exertion.  This unseen essence is the ideal they stood for, the memory of their existence, and the legacy they leave behind. I think this is what they are referring to when they say war on women, not women themselves, but womanhood and femininity.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

To Millenial's: Equality is Not Enough!

While pondering my current job situation, I realize that I have been thrust into a position in which I am required to hit the ground running, and though it is always what I wanted because such positions promise ample benefits, it is tough to keep up and I am left wondering if I am in over my head. Having done a small amount of research into the predicament in which I find myself, I came across an interesting article which for some reason has bolstered my resolve and reduced the pressure I feel to succeed.  This article of course illustrates precisely, one of the issues I see with our current workforce, and I get to blame it all on one of the ideologies I dislike.  The title is a little misleading because it is written by a feminist author who seems to think that more feminism is the answer. I disagree particularly where families are concerned, but also when it comes to the workforce because let’s face it, exaggerated self-aggrandizement and selfishness is not the answer because as this article shows it breeds entitlement. 

Mormon Women Have a Question

So I guess everyone knows that now the Mormon missionaries are now younger. Announced not too long ago young men at age 18 can serve a mission and young women at age 19 can as well. For some reason however, women are still going at a later age. The NY Times reports always seem to include a female missionary who is around her mid-twenties. This article the subject of my blog today is no different. I find the article compelling because aside from the usual reporting that seems to take a balanced view of the LDS church with some insults thrown in to boot, and was not coy about doing it yet again, this time bringing to light why the church hasn't yet cow-toed to the liberal feminist demands of women first.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Equality Is Not Enough

While pondering my current job situation, I realize that I have been thrust into a position in which I am required to hit the ground running, and though it is always what I wanted because such positions promise ample benefits, it is tough to keep up and I am left wondering if I am in over my head. Having done a small amount of research into the predicament in which I find myself, I came across an interesting article which for some reason has bolstered my resolve and reduced the pressure I feel to succeed.  This article of course illustrates precisely, one of the issues I see with our current workforce, and I get to blame it all on one of the ideologies I dislike.  The title is a little misleading because it is written by a feminist author who seems to think that more feminism is the answer. I disagree particularly where families are concerned, but also when it comes to the workforce because let’s face it, exaggerated self-aggrandizement and selfishness is not the answer because as this article shows it breeds entitlement.  

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Continual Push to Promote Homosexuality

So the hot topic of the week is also about newly revived gay rights and how even though gay marriage is becoming legal in more and more states including my own, it still isn't enough. Why? Because religions must be compelled to for now, allow it. The next step of course will be to celebrate it, or will it? I've always said that by allowing gay marriage it would not be enough for the LGBT community, eventually they will want all organizations, groups, and individuals to embrace it. This article says it all. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Why is Sexual Assault Any Different From Any Other Crime?

Something I’ll never understand about why this type of crime is so special that even when someone is found innocent (or not guilty which still means just that, not guilty), the smear campaign continues in order to keep up the perpetual victim mentality of those who accuse because after all, women never lie right?