Friday, February 21, 2014

The Continual Push to Promote Homosexuality

So the hot topic of the week is also about newly revived gay rights and how even though gay marriage is becoming legal in more and more states including my own, it still isn't enough. Why? Because religions must be compelled to for now, allow it. The next step of course will be to celebrate it, or will it? I've always said that by allowing gay marriage it would not be enough for the LGBT community, eventually they will want all organizations, groups, and individuals to embrace it. This article says it all. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Why is Sexual Assault Any Different From Any Other Crime?

Something I’ll never understand about why this type of crime is so special that even when someone is found innocent (or not guilty which still means just that, not guilty), the smear campaign continues in order to keep up the perpetual victim mentality of those who accuse because after all, women never lie right?