Monday, December 22, 2014

Nothing But Hypocrisy

Well its finally happened, at least as far as I'm concerned. Many of you will probably think that I am just catching up and realizing what has already happened before, and several times. That's fine, I just wanted to share my thoughts on the matter and be happy to finally be current on the matter.

Ever notice how feminists are hypocrites? Not just some of the time, all of the time, not just all of the time, it's like they wrote the book and own the concept? Well they deserve special mention now because despite the fact that we all exhibit a little hypocrisy here and there, their level of hypocrisy has finally reached some kind of singularity. Their actions have no connection to fairness or sincerity and are instead just overflowing with pretense and double standards. Its as if they come from some sort of make believe alternate universe where I'm sure everything makes sense to them, but to the rest of the world we are left either scratching our heads wondering if there is any hope for common sense anymore, or drinking the kool-aid to the point we are literally drowning our organs in it because we continue to let ourselves become indoctrinated into swallowing the inanity and are content remaining blissfully ignorant on the subject.

There are some many examples, many of which have been happening for quite some time now, such as the fact that a male teacher can have an affair with a female student, and boom he's a rapist, castration and jail for him. Whereas a female teacher having an affair with a male student is seen as a relationship, and the student should be grateful for being statutorily raped. Matter of fact even if the female teacher gets pregnant, the male student is responsible and needs to be a father so far as child support is concerned, while the female student however, is never ever held accountable.

Domestic violence, not only can a woman not be held accountable for murdering children (too many examples to link but the one I picked is special because its right around the time of the infamous white ribbon scandal), but there is a complete erasure of male victims.

I could go on about the wage gap, how even though women make more than their male counterparts they are still somehow making less, or how legislation like Title IX has helped disadvantaged men in education to the point where more women go to college, yet only women are still receiving exclusive aid while the government pays no attention to disadvantaged men, but instead I will give the two examples that have brought me to my original conclusion.

The first example is with the emergence of the Women Against Feminism hashtag and the feminist response to being that they just don't get it, and they say no, but they really mean yes because as women they clearly need feminism. Do you see it? Apparently no does not mean no in this case. Putting it another way, feminism has failed to accept the fact that no means no.  After all the complaining and whining to the point where governments are passing yes means yes laws, they get a dose of their own medicine and how do they respond? I mean it's not enough that men aren't given the same courtesy when it comes to consent, but now we are not allowed to say no to feminism, and the government is going to enforce that standard, and if you disagree you're a fascist.

The second example is Matt Taylor, who was slammed for, get this, wearing a T-shirt that discourages women from entering STEM fields. He was blamed for what he was wearing. When it was speculated that a woman might be somewhat responsible for what she was wearing, the response was slut walks across the first world, protesting such a ridiculous notion because the idea that a man loses all self control simply by what a woman was wearing is preposterous. Now however, the fact that women lose all self-control over their own agency simply because of what a man was wearing, it's no longer preposterous but a valid point that needs to be addressed and the person held 100% responsible for what they were wearing. Wow, just wow.

As I write this more examples emerge cockroaches from the decaying woodwork. Zerlina Maxwell after the Rolling Stone printing and retraction of a scandalous yet false rape story, states that we should continue to believe all women unconditionally when they accuse, and anyone who disagrees is immoral. Another example, how our push end discrimination against women in STEM is by discriminating and not just against men but against women too (a full circle this one) by only hiring them because they are women, and not because they are qualified. Yet another example, wasted spending in Romania on causes that supposedly help women, actually avoid helping women, and yet these feminists protested a modest amount of religious spending as a waste of tax payer money. A personal example too, I was actually told that the draft excluding women all these years is really sexist against women because it belittles the idea that they can fight a war, which is the equivalent of saying that slavery during the colonial period was really racists against the Irish because it belittles the idea that they can do hard labor. Wait a minute... and the common response is... white people have a victim complex. Wow, just wow. So even bringing up any problem a white person faced, no matter the historical significance, is touting a whiny victim complex, yet others can complain about paying high dry cleaning bills due to some kind of unsubstantiated imagined injustice and it be taken seriously? Wow, just wow.

Feminism is truly a black hole not only on taxpayer wallets but society as a whole hence the singularity analogy, and the fact that the only way to quantify their hypocrisy is by using a standard that measures infinity. It's only going to get worse, but hopefully people will wake up to this sphere of annihilation of anything good and decent, and begin taking counter measures to avoid being swallowed up in the empty blackness that is modern mainstream feminism, yet hope is fleeting because even now our President still continues to help it swell.

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