Sunday, July 29, 2012

This is my Blog

I have come to the realization that blogging takes a lot of work, if you want to be taken seriously at least. There are many who blog but it is for their personal amusement rather than to garner attention and hopefully begin a career as a journalist.
Some people are genuinely concerned about issues and don’t care about followers, but rather care about just getting the message out. Others are about followers and the message, using the number of followers as an indication of the work they are doing and how well it is being received. Then there are those who are all about followers, controlling them, and exploiting them for their money. I am probably closest to the first rather than the latter two. In addition, this is for my personal amusement and venting, so if you don’t like it, simply click the little ‘x’ button at the top right hand corner of the page, or navigate away.

Most of the blogs I will be posting are about my religious beliefs and social commentary, mostly as it affects me. Basically, I will be speaking about gender issues, some racial issues, and economic issues, and maybe a thing or two about the military, but I have to be careful about that last one because of how sensitive the organization is about its image being tarnished in any way shape or form.

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