Too often I hear people say one thing and do another, and sometimes what they say in an effort to explain what they are doing, is about as logical as banging your head with a hammer to cure a headache. For example, putting an animal down that is a little too wild, for the safety of everyone in the neighborhood, despite the fact that the animal is caged, can receive training, or have any other protective measure taken to prevent a deadly encounter with little Susie across the street from happening. Still, the reasoning is that it could happen, given an infinite number of universes with an infinite number of possibilities, somewhere in at least one of the universes, the animal attacks someone in the neighborhood, so therefore we must take preemptive action and put the creature down. Good thing we don't apply this logic to people because I'm pretty sure the purging operation that would ensue would be an E.L.E.
What I find bothersome about all of this is how it finds its way into the politics often in the form of an ideology. People who know me, know me as a humanist, until they learn that I don't support feminism. At this point I'm often compared to as a misogynist, intolerant, puppy stomper, etc. But the truth is I don't stomp on baby animals, but care deeply about all people (and all living creatures), not just specific people who fall under a specified demographic. Feminism claims the same, and I'm often told this, yet I still am opposed for the simple reason that I judge people not for what they say but what they do, and an ideology like feminism does something very different from what they say. They act in accordance with the Nazi's, who were for Aryan rights they are the people that are the supreme race, just like feminism says they are for women's rights, but in fact seek empowerment because women are the supreme gender. The Nazi's at least did not disguise their agenda but were honest about it at least. I see this mostly with the promotion of femininity as being divine, whereas masculinity is often associated with everything evil, (google it there are plenty of sites to browse, thank goodness there are at least some who see the folly of this belief besides MRA's). Basically feminist's claims to be humanist's, with an
egalitarian goal that really only amounts to a whole heap of baloney, because an
examination of the activism and produced outcomes of the past half
century reveals that feminism’s true goals are not in line with any
public declaration of equality or humanism.
Many second wave feminists believed that women were supreme and men a defective fluke of nature, such as Andrea Dworking, Valerie Solanas, Mary Daly, Robin Morgan, etc. and were very prolific in their promotion of women's liberation, setting the ground work for all women today. To ignore them as integral in Feminism's history would be like ignoring the part people like George Washington, Ben Franklin, or Thomas Jefferson played in American history. That being said many of their beliefs shape modern feminism today which show feminism to be at face value something entirely different from what it actually is. Here are a few examples:
- Feminism promotes an end of violence, against women. They even passed a law called the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) which works to end any and all violence everywhere against women. Yet if they are for equality, why only concern themselves with violence against women? What about violence against the other half of society? According to the FBI crime statistics, 2/3 of all violent crimes are committed against men, and 3/4 of all homicides are men. Why not pass a law that ends violence against everyone? Clearly they don't care about men, otherwise people like Sharon Osbourne and other would not be making jokes, about male targeted violence on national TV.
- Education is routinely discriminator towards women right? I can believe that. Is it discriminatory against men? Of course, though I'm probably one of few who would believe that. Truth is, that the schools have become a feminist playground over the last few decades in an attempt to help women excel. The problem is that men are falling behind at their expense and yet nary a peep is heard from the feminists on addressing this issue. Instead we simply diagnose them all with ADD or ADHD, or just call them plain stupid and prescribe medication and move on. Still more men are dropping out of school and only about 40% of college graduates are male. Yet even though women outpace men, the feminists still claim discrimination and victim-hood, claiming for example that there aren't enough Native Alaskan science majors enrolled in college (from the AWIS website), or that there aren't enough men to date while at college. Again completely ignoring men and also treating them as mere tools for women's benefit and amusement.
- How about the workplace, always hearing about how there aren't enough women on top, in boardrooms, as supervisors, as executives, or what have you. Being in the military, its not enough women are officers. Notice how all these positions are prestigious positions of power? What about the grunt work, like all those other positions in the company beneath the managers? Do they want an equal number of women working there? How about in the mines, or collecting trash, or some other occupation featured on Mike Rowe's show Dirty Jobs? I'll believe feminists want equality in the workplace not when I see the first female president, but when I see the first female trash collector (and by first I mean, close to half the positions filled by female employees). I've not even getting into the statistics behind the mythical wage gap.
- The courts are a shameful representation of human rights when it comes to justice and equality for men. Women get much lighter sentences than men for the same crimes, and are 20 times less likely to receive a death sentence. I wish I could remember where I read that, but ask yourself, do you know of any women besides Aileen Wuornos who received a death sentence? That's just the criminal courts. Family courts are just outright unfair against men.
- The last point I'm going to make, but by far not the last point relevant to my point, is with the military. Its bad enough that women are not held to as high a standard as the men (especially when it comes to physical standards for obvious reasons), yet still get paid the same, less likely to be reprimanded for screwing up, more likely to be promoted for doing the same job as the next guy over, yet still feminists rant and rave about discrimination, and women's rights to have all this. First off, even though women can now be in a combat position (recently allowed) most do not want to because combat is no game, but rather a horrible experience that most people rather go their entire lives avoiding. Second their role in the military is completely optional, whereas men have an obligation, through selective service and the draft, to serve in the military as Uncle Sam see's fit. In other words, men have to obligations to defend our freedom, our liberties and our nation, women do not, yet enjoy all the same rights and privileges that a free nation offers. I have never seen any feminists call for the right to draft women.
This all just goes to show how disposable and meaningless a man's life is, and how he is often valued only as meat for the grinder, that promotes our nations definition of 'progress'. I fume with rage and sorrow when I hear about how more soldiers, more men are dying, and yet people seem not to care because they expect it. Funerals are had, and people display outward emotions of sadness, but their hearts are unmoved. And where pray tell are all the feminist's who claim to be for equal rights for these dying men?
This is why I oppose feminism, and any other ideology that promotes right's for one group by systematically oppressing another. Yet I'm the one who is still called a sexist, prejudiced, and a hater? If caring about the lives of all people including men, makes me unconventional and a 'hater' following a politically correct definition, then it is a label I will wear proudly, knowing that those that label me so, are themselves brainwashed buffoons, deeply malevolent, or outright hypocrites.
One more reason for my rejection of the feminist ideology, which I will write about later, is there vehement opposition to the family. The family being the most basic fundamental unit that hold society together, is essential for our country to survive and thrive because as we well know, people who come from broken homes are at a disadvantage and often a drain on society and its resources. Wouldn't it be nice if we could have well adjusted people, contributing to the betterment of our world and not sucking the life out of it? Families do that, its a proven method that has been around for thousands of years, yet today it is under attack, but destructive ideologies like feminism.
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